Being a coastline city, Sea Level Rise and flooding are both prominent issues that Vancouver is trying to solve. While sea level rise has certainly drawn more attention to the issue, flooding was always prevalent in the city.

Overall, Vancouver sits on a wetland, with multiple rivers, waterways, and flat areas. It is from a combination of the cities unique terrain, climate conditions, and city planning that makes Vancouver so susceptible to floods.

The image shows the 100 year sea level rise based on data suggesting it will increase by roughly 2.3 meters.

A7: rising


Overall, Vancouver is known for having extreme weather conditions. In the summer months it is often dry, leading to droughts. Winter, fall, and spring months typically have heavy to moderate rain showers. Instead of getting rain periodically, the city will get large amounts at once that make it hard to control. Additionally, by being on the coast, the city is prone to having higher winds that push waters inland and can move larger storms as well.

Rivers and Waterways

The entire area of Vancouver is covered in rivers, creeks, and other waterways. Additionally, the city is located on a low laying flat plain that is surrounded by mountains. When it rains, all of the water from the surrounding area travels down the mountains into the rivers and creeks where they overflow and have nowhere to go. The excess water then floods the city. Many of the waterways are also connected to the ocean with poses more threats with sea level rise.

City Planning

During the industrial revolution, Vancouver covered many of the waterways that went through the city, leaving on the biggest rivers exposed. In doing so, they inhibited the natural flow of water, making it harder to properly drain. There was also no consideration for the shoreline as many factories needed to be on the water to work. Finally, being so close to sea level, there are not many places to drain excess water.

Solutions to Flooding


There are already evacuation routes put in place that are high enough to avoid flooding. Luckily, these evacuations routes run through most of the major parts of the city and suburbs. Once away from the city there are multiple large facilities that have agreed to house people while waiting out the flood

Building Development

As the city continues to grow, Vancouver looks for new and adaptive approaches to mitigating flood damages. One solution being used is the development of more flood proof buildings. There designs do not contain a basement and have a first floor that is more sealed. Additionally, Vancouver is looking into redeveloping ground level conditions to be able to flood without taking any major damage.


The city plans on developing a large seawall alone its shore to protect from the ocean. This will help reduce the amount of damage caused by waves and also help stop erosion of the coastline. This is a long term solution that will help with flooding, but will not directly drain water or stop flooding.

Permeable Surfaces

One of the goals of Vancouver’s city development is to reduce the amount of nonpermeable surfaces and their footprint. One solution to this was to promote walking, biking, and public transportation to reduce the need for more roads and parking. Additionally, Vancouver plan on continuing to expand the amount of green space that is spread throughout the city. One way of doing this is by making more dense space or by building up instead on spreading out

Water Facilities

Vancouver is currently undergoing a massive redevelopment of its city plan with a more sustainable and ecological mindset. One aspect of this is to create some green water treatment facilities that will help drain storm water faster. Previously, the old systems were slow and often times water was directly poured into the ocean

Unearth Waterways

Vancouver is currently undergoing a mission to unearth many of the old forgotten waterways that ran through the city. By uncovering them, storm runoff will be able to flow into the waterways quicker and thus drain faster. Additionally, this will reduce the amount of water that facilities take in.